Kore Kast

Healthier Holiday Season

December 12, 2023 Kris Harris Season 2 Episode 12
Kore Kast
Healthier Holiday Season
Show Notes Transcript

Ready to transform your holiday experience? Join me, Kris Harris, certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor, as we dive into setting healthy boundaries during the festive season. Discover how to protect your mental and physical wellbeing by managing social obligations, maintaining mindful eating habits, and even controlling screen time. We will discuss the importance of clearly articulating your boundaries and expectations to those around you during the holidays, ensuring a balanced, stress-free celebration.

This episode is a must-listen if you ever find the holiday season overwhelming. We'll guide you step-by-step on how to take control and celebrate on your terms. Learn how to set financial limits and delegate tasks, master the art of saying no, and how to safeguard your physical health by moderating food intake and incorporating physical activity into your routine. We also discuss different strategies to ensure a restful sleep, limit screen time, and maintain a healthy work-life balance during the holiday season. Let's redefine the holiday experience together and prioritize self-care amidst the festive chaos.

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Kris Harris:

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Kore Kast. I'm your host, Kris Harris, and I'm a certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor. I've been working with my clients for over 17 years to help them get stronger, move better and recover from injury. The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration and togetherness. However, it can still also be a time of stress, burnout and feeling overwhelmed. Setting boundaries during the holidays is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Boundaries allow us to establish limits, protect our well-being and ensure a balance between our own needs and the expectation of others. In this week's episode, we're going to explore the importance of setting boundaries during the holidays and its significant impact on both physical and mental health. Setting boundaries involves clearly communicating our limits, needs and expectations to others. It's about recognizing and respecting our personal space, time and energy. During the holidays, there may be numerous social events, family gatherings and commitments that can easily become overwhelming. By establishing boundaries, we can maintain a sense of control, prioritize self-care and avoid undue stress. We're going to take a look at some ways that you can establish boundaries during the holidays. 1. Set a budget. Establish a financial boundary by setting a budget for holiday spending. This helps prevent overspending and financial stress during and after the holiday season. 2. Limit social engagements. Decide on a manageable number of social events to attend during the holiday season. This prevents overcommitment, allows for downtime and reduces stress levels. 3. Practice mindful eating. Set boundaries around food choices by practicing mindful eating. This involves paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, savoring each bite and being selective about indulgent treats. 4. Scheduling self-care time. Set aside specific time for self-care activities, such as taking a bath, reading a book or practicing a hobby. This helps to recharge your energy and prioritize your well-being amidst the busyness of the holidays. 5. Communicate personal boundaries. Clearly communicate your personal boundaries to friends and family members, and this can include stating your limits on gift exchanges, discussing dietary restrictions or expressing the need for a long time.

Kris Harris:

6. Prioritize restful sleep. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and prioritize getting enough rest. Set boundaries around bedtime routines, limit exposure to screens before bed and create a sleep-friendly environment. 7. Limiting that screen time Setting boundaries around excessive screen time by designating specific periods for technology use. This allows for more quality time spent with loved ones and reduces the negative effects of excessive screen use.

Kris Harris:

8. Delegate those tasks. Don't hesitate to ask for help or delegate tasks during the holiday season. 9. Practicing no. It's okay to say no to certain invitations or requests so they exceed your capacity or line with your personal boundaries. Prioritize to your well-being and don't feel obligated to attend every event or fulfill every request. 10. Create boundaries around work. If you're a professional, you can be a professional and you can be a professional and you can be a professional.

Kris Harris:

10. Create boundaries around work. If possible, set boundaries around work commitments during the holiday season. Take time off, clearly communicate your availability and avoid bringing work-related stress into your holiday celebrations. Remember, establishing boundaries is about prioritizing your well-being and ensuring a healthy balance. During the holiday season, it's important to communicate your boundaries with others and give yourself permission to prioritize self-care and enjoyment. Next, we're going to explore some of the ways to set boundaries and protect your physical health.

Kris Harris:

The holiday season's offense brings an abundance of food, parties and indulgences, and while it's natural to enjoy these festivities, it's essential to set boundaries to protect our physical health, and this includes moderating our food intake, maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating physical activity into our routines. By setting limits on excessive eating and drinking, we can prevent weight gain, digestive issues and other health problems associated with overindulgences during the holidays. Setting boundaries can help maintain physical health during the holiday season in several ways. By controlling portion sizes. It's often really important to prevent overeating and maintain that healthy balance. So just understanding and controlling those portion sizes during events is really important for maintaining your physical health. Also, choosing healthier food options. Setting boundaries can involve making conscious choices about the types of food consumed during holiday gatherings. Setting boundaries around healthier options, you can prioritize nutritious foods and limit the intake of healthy or sugary treats. This can help maintain balanced nutrition and prevent the negative effects of a diet high in refined sugars and fats. Really important during the holidays also is limiting alcohol consumption. It's often prominent at holiday celebrations to have alcohol. However, excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on physical health. Setting boundaries around alcohol consumption can help individuals maintain moderation and prevent the negative consequences of excessive drinking, such as impaired judgment, dehydration and liver damage.

Kris Harris:

Prioritize that physical activity. The holiday season can disrupt regular exercise routines due to busy schedules and travel. Setting boundaries around physical activity can help individuals prioritize exercise and maintain a level of physical fitness. This can include things like scheduling specific times for workouts, participating in holiday-themed fitness activities or simply making a commitment to stay active despite the holiday busyness. Another thing to do is establish restful sleep patterns. Adequate sleep is crucial for overall physical health and well-being. The holiday season can be filled with late nights and disrupted sleep patterns. Setting boundaries around sleep can involve prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule and ensuring sufficient rest. This can help maintain energy levels, support immune function and prevent the negative effects of sleep deprivation.

Kris Harris:

Avoid that over-commitment. Setting boundaries around social engagements and obligations can help prevent physical exhaustion. By carefully selecting the events and activities to participate in, individuals can avoid over-committing themselves and ensure that they have enough time for rest and relaxation, which prevents feelings of being overwhelmed and physical fatigue during the holiday season. A really important one is practicing stress management. High levels of stress can take a toll on our physical health. Setting boundaries around stress management techniques can help individuals prioritize activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, which things like meditation, deep breathing exercises or maybe spending time in nature or doing some hobbies that bring joy or make you calm. Those are great things to do. By setting boundaries around food choices, alcohol consumption, physical activities, sleep, social commitments and stress management, individuals can maintain physical health during the holiday season, and this allows for a balance between indulgence and moderation, ensuring that the festive season is enjoyed while also prioritizing well-being. It's also very crucial to set those boundaries when prioritizing our mental well-being.

Kris Harris:

The holidays can be emotionally demanding, filled with various expectations and obligations. Those boundaries are crucial for safeguarding our mental well-being. It allows us to protect our energy levels and avoid burnout. By saying no to activities or events that drain us, we create space again for that important self-care relaxation and rejuvenation. Taking breaks, engaging in activities and setting time for solitude and relaxation and reflection are super important for really protecting our mental health. We'll discuss some more ways that you can set boundaries to help protect your mental well-being during the holidays. One of them is managing those expectations just being realistic about what you can accomplish during the holiday season. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others, and remember that it's okay to prioritize your mental well-being over trying to meet everyone's demands or expectations.

Kris Harris:

Limiting social media use is really important. Social media can contribute to feelings of comparison, fomo or fear of missing out and increased stress. Set boundaries on limiting your time on social media platforms. Unfollow accounts that trigger negative emotions and focus on meaningful offline connections. Again, we can't emphasize enough practicing self-care Things that promote relaxation, reducing stress and boosting your mental and physical well-being Engaging in meditation, exercise, reading, taking a hike all those things will help to really give you a boost of energy.

Kris Harris:

Setting boundaries of toxic relationships, especially around the holidays. If you have toxic or unhealthy relationships in your life, set clear boundaries to protect your mental well-being. This may involve limiting contact with certain individuals, setting limits on discussions or topics, or even seeking support from a therapist or counselor. Try limiting overstimulation. The holiday season can often be overwhelming with bright lights, loud music and crowded spaces. Set boundaries by carving out quiet time and calm spaces for yourself. Take breaks from your overwhelming environments and give yourself permission to step away when you feel overstimulated A really important one.

Kris Harris:

Communicate your needs. Don't be afraid to communicate your needs to your loved ones. Let them know what you require to maintain your mental well-being during the holidays, and this can include requesting a long time, those quiet spaces or support in managing stress, and a really big one. Say no without guilt. It's important to set those boundaries by saying no to certain activities or commitments that may overwhelm you. Remember it's okay to decline invitations or requests that don't align with your mental well-being. Prioritize your own needs and learn to say no without feeling guilty. Seek support if you're struggling with your mental well-being during the holidays, don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family or mental health professionals. Reach out to trusted individuals who can provide a listening ear, guidance or professional help if needed.

Kris Harris:

Mindfulness always important. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine things like deep breathing, journaling or meditation, which helps you to stay present, keeps that stress level down and cultivates a positive mindset. And remember that setting boundaries to protect your mental well-being during the holidays is not being selfish. It's an essential act of self-care. Prioritize your mental health and communicate your needs. Give yourself that permission to enjoy the holiday season in a way that aligns with your well-being.

Kris Harris:

Boundaries also can play a vital role in maintaining healthy relationships with families, friends and loved ones during the holidays. By really keeping that clear communication of our boundaries, we're setting the expectations and avoiding misunderstandings or conflicts, which allows for an open and honest communication, fostering healthier connections. Boundaries can also prevent us from becoming enmeshed or overly dependent on others, enabling us to maintain a sense of individuality and autonomy within relationships. Setting boundaries in your relationships during the holidays is crucial for maintaining your mental well-being. Some examples of how you can set those boundaries is communicating your limits Clearly. Communicate your limits and expectations to your loved ones. Let them know what you're comfortable with and what you need to maintain your mental well-being. For example, if you prefer smaller gatherings or need a long time, express that to your family or friends.

Kris Harris:

Limit social engagements If it's something that you don't feel comfortable doing. Choose those events or gatherings that you truly want to attend and politely decline others. It's okay to say no without feeling guilty. Establish technology free zones. Those are a great way to really designate certain areas or times to where phones and devices are put away. That allows for deeper connections and reduces distractions.

Kris Harris:

Set time limits. If extending extended periods of time with certain individuals is draining or stressful, set time limits for those interactions. Plan ahead and ensure that you have an exit strategy if needed, and this can help you maintain your mental well-being and prevent burnout. Again, can't say it enough Self-care is a priority. Communicating this with your loved ones, letting them know that you may need a long time. You may need that time to relax or engage in activities that recharge your battery. Set those boundaries around your self-care routine and ensure that they're respected.

Kris Harris:

Avoid toxic conversations. This can be problematic during the holidays If certain topics or discussions consistently lead to stress or conflict. Set boundaries by avoiding or redirecting those conversations. Politely change the subject or express your preference for more positive and uplifting discussions. Seek support. If you have challenging or toxic relationships in your life, seek support from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance on setting healthy boundaries and help you navigate difficult interactions during the holidays.

Kris Harris:

Practice assertiveness. That's a hard one for a lot of people. Develop those assertiveness skills to express your needs and boundaries confidently. Use eye statements to communicate how certain situations or behaviors affect your mental well-being. For example, saying I feel overwhelmed when we have large family gatherings, so I would prefer smaller gatherings this year. Creating that personal time always important. Make sure to carve that personal time for yourself during the busy holiday season Again. Whether you want to go for a walk, read a book, engage in that hobby. Set aside time for yourself to recharge and protect your mental well-being.

Kris Harris:

Be selective with gift exchanges. Set boundaries around gift giving by discussing expectations with your loved ones. Consider alternatives like Secret Santa or setting or spending at the limit, or just avoiding financial stress or pressure. Make those boundaries ahead of time. Focus on meaningful gestures rather than excessive materialism. Remember that setting boundaries in your relationships is essential for protecting your mental well-being during the holidays. Be open and honest in your communication, prioritize self-care and don't be afraid to assertively express your needs. Taking care of yourself is the best gift that you can give during the holiday. When we practice setting boundaries, we create a holiday season that aligns with our values, needs and desires, and this allows us to fully enjoy and appreciate those holiday festivities rather than feeling obligated or overwhelmed. Prioritize self-care, carve out the personal time that you need and establish meaningful connections. That's going to enhance overall satisfaction and enjoyment of this holiday season. Setting boundaries empowers us to make conscious choices, engage in activities that bring us joy and create lasting memories with loved ones.

Kris Harris:

Thanks so much for joining me for this week's episode of the Kore Kast. Make sure to tune in next week for another great episode. Follow the Kore Kast on all major podcast platforms, and that's Kore with a K. Visit our website, www. k ore-fit. com, for great information and resources about Pilates, fitness, health and wellness, and more. We have a great workout channel, the Kore Fitness Workout Channel. It has virtual workouts at your fingertips. You can try a week for free. Follow us on Instagram at kore underscore fitness, underscore az. And if you're enjoying the podcast, please consider supporting our hard work by donating using the link provided at the bottom of this description. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next week.